
Mexican Pizza

Mexican Pizza is pretty simple, yet very good!  You only need a few basic ingredients and cook it the same way you would any other pizza on the BGE.

  • Pizza Dough (I buy Publix dough that is premade)
  • Taco Sauce
  • Mexican Cheese
  • Chorizo Sausage (brown before topping pizza)
  • Diced jalapenos or bell peppers 

Step 1: Prep the BGE for Pizza.  Place setter should be inverted with legs down.  Use the 3 BGE ceramic legs to create a gap between your place setter and your pizza stone.  Bring temp up to 600-700 degrees.

Step 2: Roll out your dough, place on pizza peel and slide onto a preheated pizza stone.  Cook both sides of the dough until they are crispy and fairly firm.  The inside of the dough should still be raw, but you need the outside somewhat firm to support the toppings and easily slide off the peel when you put it back on the egg.

Step 3: Assemble your pizza with the toppings.  In this case sauce, cheese, chorizo, and jalapenos.

Step 4: Place the pizza back on the egg to cook for 5-10 minutes (depending on the temperature of your egg).  The hotter the egg, the more it will be like brick oven pizza, but the downside is that I tend to burn through felt gaskets quite a bit.  This is less of a problem with the new High Heat Gaskets they are now selling.

Enjoy your finished product!

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