
Friday Night Date Night & New York Stips

Friday nights are often the nights Meredith and I do date night and I cook a nice dinner.  Tonight i'm grilling steak and enjoying several other things to go with it.  My weekend meals are not just about what we're eating, but enjoying the process.  Tonight is no exception.

Today on my lunchbreak I made a trip to Harry's or Whole Foods in Roswell.  Here's what I came home with:
  • Fresh okra
  • Elephant Garlic (larger than your normal clove)
  • Fresh rosemary
  • Baby bella mushrooms
  • Potatoes
  • New York Strip Steak
  • Garlic Bread
  • Jalapeno & Red Pepper stuffed olives - fresh
  • Wedge of Blue Cheese
  • Truffle Butter
Tonight's Drinks will consist of Grey Goose dirty martinis and a bottle of nice red to go with the steak.  I bought the blue cheese and olives so that I could individually stuff them and enjoy three different kinds of olives with my martini.  Blue cheese and crackers is also a great appetizer to compliment dinner.

I season my Strips with one of my go to seasonings and some finely chopped rosemary.  My seasoning is simple and consists of one part of each of the following: granulated garlic powder, salt, pepper, sugar.

The potatoes will be twice baked and the okra will be sauteed in olive oil and fresh chopped garlic.  I also sautee my mushrooms in a little red wine, worcestershire sauce, and olive oil. 

Cooking the steaks:
  • Preheat the egg to 700 degrees and set up for direct cooking
  • Cook the steak on one side for 2 minutes at high heat, searing it
  • Flip and repeat for another 2 minutes
  • For the final two minues I will rotate the steak so you get the nice grill marks cooking it on the side you did first.  Close all vents on the egg while cooking the final two minutes
  • First, burp the egg to prevent backdraft and loosing all your arm hair!  After about 6 minutes your steak should be a nice medium rare to medium.  Cook an additional two minutes on the other side if you like it cooked more medium well.
  • Plate the steak with the nice grillmarks up.  Spread some truffle butter over the steak and allow it to melt in for additional flavor. 
Cooked steak looks like cooked steak, but i'll post pictures tonight if it turns out really well.  Enjoy!

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