
Test Run - Pork Tenderloin w/ Grilled Pineapple & Coconut Rice

This was a Sunday afternoon test run with food on the new smoker.  I had already smoke tested it a couple weeks back and determined it could hold temp pretty well.  This time I filled up the charcoal basket, started it up around 3pm, and figured it could hold temp for around 12 hours. 
Meat is on!  That's a rack of spare ribs trimmed in the center, two pork tenderloins, and the riblets from the trimmed rack. 
The tenderloined was finished a little over an hour afte rgoing on the grill.  Notice the pink smoke ring after resting for about 30-45 minutes.
My parents, wife, and I ate the tenderloin for dinner while the ribs were still cooking.  The bonus of this test run is that I will have spare ribs for dinner on Monday night.
Plated pork tenderloin with homemade bbq sauce, coconut rice, grilled pineapple, and sweet & spice asian sauce.  The smoke flavor on this pork was more substantle and noticeably different than when cooked on the green egg.  I'm thinking this new smoker will be perfect for cooking Boston Butts, but this wasn't a bad meal at all.

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