
Chicken Wings on the Weber

 Late yesterday afternoon I found myself thinking about chicken wings, so naturally this became our dinner last night.  This was the perfect combination of three things yesterday: 1) the ability to enjoy grilling on a beautiful afternoon 2) cook something that is relatively simple yet complex enough to enjoy in the process 3) satisfy my appetite for chicken wings.
The grill: set up the fire bricks in the weber so that half of the grill will be direct heat and the other half indirect.
The prep: I like to cut full wings so that I have a drum and a flat and discard the smaller tail portion.  I put about 8 wings each into three separate Ziploc bags.  Next I marinated one in honey teriyaki, one jerk, and one buffalo bbq.  Let these sit and marinate at room temp for about 30-45 minutes.
The cook: Cook the marinated wings over direct heat until there is a nice char on all sides.  You don't want to do this too long or over too much heat because the marinade will burn up on the wings.  Once they have just enough char to your liking move them over to the indirect side.  I cooked these with the lid closed until they were basically done.  Once the chicken is cooked through add another layer of marinade with a brush.  Allow this to caramelize, flip and repeat on the other side.  In all, this took about 20-30 minutes to cook. 

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