
Shrimp & Sausage Jamabalaya

  • Chorizo Sausage
  • Shrimp
  • Celery
  • Butter
  • Green Bell Pepper
  • Green scallion onions
  • Roasted red peppers
  • Brown or Spanish Rice (I used trader joes mixed brown rice for this)
  • Chicken Broth
  • Cayenne, Paprika, cumin, chili powder

Step 1: In a large sautee pan, melt 1/2 stick of butter.  Throw in sliced chorizo sausage, sliced celery and green onions, diced bell pepper & roasted red peppers.  Allow to sautee for about 5 minutes before adding spices: cayenne, paprika, cumin, and chili powder.
 Step 2: Once you have sauteed the veggies and sausage for a bit add the uncooked rice to the mixture.  Mix it all together and allow the rice to brown up a bit.  After a couple minutes add 2 cups of chicken broth and bring to a boil.  Cover, reduce to medium heat and allow the rice to cook.
Step 3: Once the rice has cooked and become soft, add just a little more chicken broth.  Next add the shrimp, cover, and allow the shrimp to cook through.  Enjoy!

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