
Grilled Salmon Pasta

This is one of the better meals that we've had in a while, but I think it's partially because we haven't had pasta in a while and eating Salmon is even rarer.  My wife isn't a huge fish fan, so I had to find a way to blend this into a meal that was tasty. 
  • Salmon
  • Angel hair pasta
  • Zucchini
  • Thai Shrimp Salad
  • Olive Oil
  • Everyday seasoning
  • Minced Garlic
  • Frozen Spinach
Step 1: Cook the pasta.  Drain the water and mix in a little olive oil, frozen spinach, and a teaspoon of minced garlic for flavor.  Stir well and cover until plating.
Step 2: Grill the salmon and zucchini.  I put a little everyday seasoning on my salmon and zucchini.  I cooked the salmon over indirect heat and added some orange wood chips for a hint of smoky flavor.  The zucchini was cooked simultaneously in a grilling bowl over direct heat.  the zucchini was tossed in olive oil and everyday seasoning.  At the very end I lightly coated the salmon with some orange sauce I had in the refrigerator.
Step 3: Plate the food.  I first put down a bed of angel hair pasta, then a bed of zucchini on top, and then I add the salmon.  My final garnish was this Thai Shrimp Salad that I found at whole foods when I bought the salmon.  I thought it looked good, so I gave it a try.

The end result was fantastic.  This is a perfect example of pulling together a couple of things to make a delicious meal.  My wife was pleasantly surprised!


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